
Procrastination, meet Roadblock...

There are some days (or weeks) when all I want to do is the one thing I really shouldn't be doing that day (or week). I compare the feeling to those Saturday afternoons growing up, when all I wanted to do was to go out and play - but my chores weren't done. And the deal was, I could go out and play just as soon as I finished my chores. I, of course, did not like this deal as I hated chores and I loved playing.

So, instead of doing my chores, I would put up a fuss, drag my feet, try to convince my parents that I could go play now & do my chores later, this followed by a tantrum when they said "no." An hour or two would pass, and still pouting, I would come out of my room, reluctantly do the chores (making sure to slam things as much as possible to show my displeasure). 30 minutes later I would be outside playing. 30 minutes! If I had just sucked it up, spent 30 minutes doing the drudgery of those chores, I could've been outside doing what I wanted to do! Instead I created roadblocks for myself.

The more frustrated or angry I became, the more roadblocks I would throw up, and the more I could blame someone else (my parents) for my displeasure.

So here's the deal, for 30 minutes a day, you need to deal with the drudgery that stands between you and what you want. As Aesop was fond of telling us, if you don't put in the work, then you're not going to reap the rewards.

If you want to be more creative, then for 30 minutes a day work on the exercises that help you be more creative. If you want to be less stressed, then meditate, exercise, sing! whatever it takes to de-stress you. Or you can be like me at age 10 & sit and pout in your room, waiting for someone to come in and hand it to you (good luck with that).

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