

Last night I dreamt that I lived just outside of Washington D.C. I was annoyed at having to email all of my friends to let them know I had, once again, moved, and that, once again, they would have to cross out my previous incarnation in their address books, and pencil in the current one.

Upon getting over my annoyance, I realized that I was only a short drive away from some of the nation's best Museums - and they were free! This meant I could go any time I pleased! My mood changed drastically, & as it happens in the dream world, I was magically transported to the National Gallery where I stood under Alexander Calder's immense mobile, and watched visitors as they sought instruction from the concierge at the information desk. She always pointed them in some magical direction, but never once did they look up. Not once were they graced with the surprise of Calder's playful mobile.

Challenge: Look Up!

    Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to look up, down, around... look in any direction that you don't usually, and see what you've been missing.

    An extension of this is to take a different viewpoint|vantage point. Look at something you see everyday, but look at it from the underside, backside, up close, or standing on a chair... changing your perspective can add insight and understanding. Everytime we learn something new, or see something in a new way, we create new neural pathways in the brain (pretty cool). The more neural pathways, the better we are able to make connections between one object and another, and one action and another.

    The more aware we are of our surroundings, the more fodder we have for our creative and conscious selves.

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