
Heffalumps beware

Have you ever had "one of those days," where, no matter what you tried, you couldn't get past whatever the thing was that was keeping you from getting past it? It's not a bad day, and it's certainly not the type of day in which you might hear someone say in a rather Eeyore-like voice, "it's just one of those days," as if there was no hope for the day at all. No, instead it ends up being one of those days in which you almost got "there" (wherever there happens to be).

For me, I almost got the door at work unlocked without the alarm system going off & the alarm company having to call for clearance. I almost remembered to bring my lunch to work. I almost got the bill in the mail to be paid in time.

And I almost had a really great idea for a blog post, but as it happens the idea escaped me just as I sat down to write. And I sat glued to the computer screen, as if somehow, magically, the words would appear without me having to type them. After an hour of nothing, I decided to play a little game with myself. I decided to peruse my bookshelves until something popped out at me. When it did, I took it off the shelf and randomly opened to a page & read. If nothing spurred my creative sense, I put the book back and found another. The last book I pulled off the shelf, turning to a random page said this:
Tra-la-la, tra-la-la
Tra-la-la, tra-la-la

Heffalump or no, I think that sums it up quite nicely.

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