
Evil Doers Beware!

Migs the marvelous mouser was at it again last night. In my dream-world daze of 3am, I heard her howlings of success as she caught and released another mouse. Although in dream terms it translated into a series of maze-like images including Migs-as-Super-hero, replete with sickeningly sweet techni-color (a la Roy Lichtenstein).

This may have had something to do with me spending most of my evening printing and cutting out Super Hero Magnets (as gifts for some friends).

At any rate, hearing her mousing-howl in my sleepy daze, I mistook it for cries of help. I patted the bed (still half asleep), and called her name, inviting her to come join me in my dream-world, before I realized that what I was actually doing was inviting a cat with a mouse up onto my bed. I jolted awake and out of bed in order to intercept our super-hero. (Luckily for me, she'd already lost the mouse under the dishwasher, where it would stay.)

Secure in the notion that she'd done her duty, protecting us from the mouse, she jumped into bed an hour later (sans mouse, thankfully).

Now maybe I just have Super heroes on the brain, but we have a friend who, instead of donning different "hats," to describe his various "roles," dons super-hero capes - and why not? Why not lift your status from the ordinary hat-wearing role, to the Super heroified-caped crusader role?

Challenge: Be a Super Hero
I challenge you to become your own Super hero: More powerful, more colorful, able to leap tall stacks of files in a single bound.... You don't have to make yourself a costume (unless you want to), but give your ordinary powers an extraordinary boost & see if it changes your attitude towards your daily/weekly duties.

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